Document Select

Select document in a multiple documents mode document group. Good for referring one document.



  • Name: The human-friendly name of this field.
  • Data Key: The field name in published data. It must be in UpperCamelCase.
  • Description: The description of this field, should be a human-friendly text shown for content editor.
  • Hidden: Hide this field from the template. Used to create document with hidden default values. It is recommended that put this field to bottom.


  • Document group: Specified which document group to select document from. Note: only multiple documents mode document group can be selected.


  • Required: The field is required.


The default value of this field when create a new document based on this template.


This field can be transformed to Multiple Documents Select.


Data Key is set as previousPost and select a post in posts document group.

JSON data

The value of this field will be published as a string, id of the selected document.

    "previousPost": "d_0cblsr6eno"


The value of this field will be published as a object, contains all fields of the selected document.

    "previousPost": {
        "title": "test",
        "postTime": "2022-01-01T05:00:00Z"
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