Getting Started

We have a domo websiteopen in new window, which is based on ContentBoot.

You can follow this guide to build a ContentBoot project for the demo website.


We recommend you read Glossary firstly to get a basic concept.

1. Analyse Website

Let's look at the domo websiteopen in new window. It is a simple website, has 4 pages home page, projects page, project detail page and about page.

  • home page: it has some texts and links some featured projects.
  • projects page: it just shows all projects.
  • project detail page: it shows the images and texts of a project.
  • about page: it just shows a simple description.

We will create 3 templates:

  • HomePage: it refers the fields of home page.
  • Project: it refers the fields of project.
  • AboutPage: it refers the fields of about page.


Projects page just shows all projects, usually we do not create the template for projects page.

And we will also create 3 document groups.

  • home page: it uses template HomePage, it is a single document group.
  • projects: it uses template Project, it is a multiple document group and contains all projects.
  • about page: it uses template AboutPage, it is a single document group.

2. Create Project

Login ContentBoot and click the Add project button to add a project.


3. Create Templates and Document Groups

Now, we start to create templates and document groups.

Usually, we create template and document groups from bottom to top. Since HomePage template will refer projects document group, so we will create projects stuffs firstly.

3.1 Projects

Select Templates in menu then click Add template button to add a template.

Fill the name and data key.


Click the Fields configuration to config the fields.

  • id: Text
  • title: Text
  • publishDate: Date Time Picker
  • tag: Select
  • images: Multiple Files Select
  • clientName: Text
  • objective: Textarea
  • technologies: Custom Text List
  • detail: HTML Editor


Click Save to save the template.

Select Settings > Document Groups in menu then click Add sub group to add a document group.

Fill the name and data key. Set mode as multiple documents then select template Project in templates select.


Click Save to save the document group.

You can see the document group projects shows in menu.


3.2 Home Page

Like 3.1 Projects, create a template HomePage and config the fields.

  • getStartedUrl: Text
  • featuredProjects: Multiple Documents Select, set document group as projects in options tab.

Create home page document group, set mode as single document then select template HomePage in template select.

3.3 About Page

Like 3.1 Projects, create a template AboutPage and config the fields.

  • introduction: Textarea

Create about page document group, set mode as single document then select template AboutPage in template select.

4. Create Publish Profile

Select Settings > Publish Settings in menu. Click Add publish profile to add a profile.


Click the edit button in Assets serve to config the assets settings.


Click the edit button in GraphQL API serve to config the GraphQL API settings.



You can also use JSON data serve instead of GraphQL API serve if you data size is small.

Now all settings are configured.



Don't forget to add CNAME record to DNS.

5. Add Document

Now we should fill the website content now.

Select the home page in menu to fill the content.


Select the projects in menu then click Add Project to add a project.


Select the about page in menu to fill the content.


6. Publish

Click the Publish button next to the project name to do publish.


7. Fetch Data

Now all the ContentBoot side stuffs are done. You can write your code to fetch data from ContentBoot.

You can refer this codeopen in new window for the demo website. And refer JSON Data Serve and GraphQL API Serve for more detail.

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